Sunday, December 16, 2012

Charles Phoenix Retro Holiday Slide Show

Charles Phoenix is at it again! He has revamped his hysterical Retro Holiday Slide Show once again, this time offered in a Mammal Hall at the Natural History Museum.

As I've gushed previously, I've been a Charles fan since 2005 when I saw his slide show at the Bob Baker Marionette Theater. In the intervening years, I've seen Charles' Retro Holiday Slide Show three or four times, including at the Egyptian Theater, Moonlight Rollerway and Petersen Automotive Museum. And, Charles is blog post #2 when he was Master of Ceremonies at the 2009 Doo Dah Parade. In case you don't know what I'm talking about with the slide shows, Charles has tens of thousands of vintage slides that he's collected over the years. Think wacky, awkward, crazy slides of random families shot in blazing Kodachrome colors flashed on the big screen. He focuses on the choice holiday ones for the shows and provides a wonderful running commentary to connect it all together.

Tonight began with some new-fangled slide images of Charles' life. We got an insight into his youth, love of vintage cars and clothes, his first score on slides, the slide shows, then into his current food crafting phase, like the Astro-Weenie tree seen above. (I've made my version on multiple occasions!) We also heard about the genesis of cherpumple cake/pie, requesting "faces" on his pancakes, and his adventures making a Jello tree out of a parking cone. As Charles likes to say, "I know!"

Then came the show, and all the laughs! It is just as much fun the fifth (or so) time as it was the first. If you miss the Christmas season, keep an eye out for other shows. I guarantee it will be a hoot!!

Click here to go to Charles' Web site.

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