I was invited by my married friends to join in a Halloween festival at their kids' school. They were highly involved with the design and production of the Hauntitorium, an awesome haunted trail through and around the Auditorium. This was not your typical grade school production! A model of Bela Legosi in a coffin greeted you, there was a classroom for zombie training, a Psycho room with strobe lights flashing through the shower curtain plus a crazy lady in a rocking chair, aliens scattered across a wall, framed portraits that transitioned from life to death (Uncle Arthur now has an ax in his skull), creepy kids coming at you, and a gorilla that seemed to appear and disappear out of nowhere. I went through five times, and I'm sure I still missed some "killer" details!
Between the laps through the Hauntitorium, I was hungry! They had arranged for food trucks, and I think I've found my favorite.
The Munchie Machine was there with an appealing selection of grilled cheeses, PLUS s'mores. (I have soooo been in the mood for s'mores, but apartment living doesn't lend itself to open flames.) I went with the maple bacon s'more, which you see here. Yes, it is two graham crackers, a full Hershey bar, marshmallows doused in maple syrup and flamed with the mini-blowtorch, and a delicious slab of bacon. DANG!! If the spooks and scares weren't enough, I'm sure my heart was fully shocked after that!
Click here to see where The Munchie Machine will be next.
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