OK, answer truthfully. When was the last time you went to a brick and mortar bookstore for a book? It had been way too long for me. Like most of my generation, I became reliant on Amazon for any book, CD, or DVD need. What a treat to go into Vroman's in Pasadena! I was looking for the book "Half the Sky" for a work project, and, instead of directing me to aisle seven or a computer to look it up myself, the chipper staffer actually walked me over to the stack. Wow! Instant gratification and great customer service to boot! While looking through the shelves, I ended up spotting and also buying the latest Bill Bryson book. That's something that probably wouldn't have happened if I was making an online purchase. I'm trying to imagine the triangulation that could have connected the two distinctly different themes!
And for a personal soapbox moment, I'm going to remember to utilize this bookstore before it goes the way of the record store. Don't get me started on that day the music died.
Click here to go to Vroman's Web site.
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