Arlington Gardens is on Pasadena Avenue, just south of the Fork in the Road (really, there's an 18-foot-tall silver fork in the road but that's a whole other story!) where St. John and Pasadena Avenues come together. They will be celebrating their fifth anniversary in July, and it has been a delight to watch these gardens grow!
When I bought my digital camera two years ago, Arlington Gardens was my first photographic stop. There's always something new to see, like the modeled tortoise traipsing through the poppies, and the Craftsman-style Welcome signs at the path from Pasadena Avenue. The gardens serve as living laboratories for water-wise gardening appropriate to our climate, and the paths need to be walked from both directions to catch all the vistas.
The Gardens exist on a three-acre lot owned by Caltrans, on a corner originally conceived as a staging area for the 710 Freeway expansion. Although that plan has been pending for almost 40 years, property in that area is still "on hold" for the final go/no go decision. Thank goodness we get beautiful flowers, trees, succulents and cacti, and not an empty, overgrown lot in the meantime.
Today's visit was planned to catch some of the last hoorahs for the bearded irises, my absolutely favorite flower. It was great to see couples and families enjoying the gardens even though I'd like to have them all to myself! Take a peek when you're in the area, as I know you won't be disappointed.
Click here to go to Arlington Gardens' Web site.
Click here for information on the Fork in the Road.
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