Here was my challenge back in November: describe something totally gross that I ate. Mind you, this was to win a copy of a friend’s new romance novel, paralleling a plot twist. I happily shared my experience eating stir-fried bugs at an Insect Fair, was deemed the winner of my friend’s sizzling hot new book, and I went on with my standard-fare eating life.
Until, that is, I recently heard about Guelaguetza and their roasted grasshopper dishes. I wanted to eat more bugs! I recruited another friend, who shared she’d eaten bamboo slugs that tasted like potato chips, and we were primed for some bug chowing.
The bug special was “Chapulines a la Mexicana,” which is grasshoppers prepared with tomatoes, onions, cilantro, avocado and string cheese. Dang, it was spicy!! The grasshoppers were kind of crunchy, but the spice was the dominant taste sensation. By the way, grasshoppers are filling, so plan to share the dish if you come with companions. Or, let me know how they re-heat if you go with the buggy bag to go!
And, their horchata is phenomenal! It had canteloupe, chopped nuts and cactus fruit, and a reddish cloud floating at the top of the rice water. Delish!
Click here to go to their Web site.
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