I'll sum up
The Magic Castle in six words: if you get the chance, go! Because The Magic Castle is a private club, you can't just roll up and waltz in. That's why if you get invited you have to go!
I went with a group of friends, some who had already visited and some newbies. I had been, and I was looking forward to a repeat. The returners knew what to expect: the piano that plays all by itself, the wonderful/
wacky artwork all over the walls, the skeletons that appear in the phone booth when you shut the door, plus lots of tricks, illusions, and how'd they do that questions.
For the first show, I was lucky enough to get to sit at the table with the magician in the Close-Up Gallery, even assisting him with his tricks. Yes, I got to tap his hand with the wand, plus hold the rope, the foam balls and the coins. Although I knew something fishy was going on, I still can't explain how he did all his magic, including how he made a coconut appear under a small basket right on the table!
For the next show, in the Parlour of Prestidigitation, the performer was Richard Hatch. To my dismay, it was not the Richard Hatch from Battlestar Galactica, although they announced he wasn't the Richard Hatch from Survivor. So much for my cultural references! Tonight's Richard Hatch did ring tricks and the cup in ball tricks and definitely did not disappoint.
Next was dinner. I went with a tasty Vegetarian Wellington - yes, the veggies were rolled and baked inside the puffed pastry! As I was feeling all entitled after the healthy choice, for dessert I selected White Chocolate Toffee Bread Pudding. I'm just going to say my taste buds were all trying to figure out how they pulled that one off, too, because it was delish!
The final show, in the Palace of Mystery, was the most fun. This magician, with his showgirl assistant, did the cut the lady in half and put her back together, tie her hands around a post and have her put on a jacket, man crawls in a box and the lady comes out. Crazy stuff!!
So, if I've enticed you, I do have a guest pass to return. If you'd like to "open sesame" your wallet sometime and go to The Magic Castle, let me know!
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