The burrito was yummy with scrambled eggs, black beans, sausage and Mo's potatoes (garlicy mashed potatoes) inside and the home fries outside. I'm assuming that it had a proper post-run protein/carb refueling balance since my coach had one, too.
But, what I was pleasantly surprised to learn is that Mo's is associated with the old Hampton's Restaurant, home of the Foggybottom Burger (peanut butter and jelly atop a burger!), something I've been salivating for since my last one back in the '90s! And, it's on the menu at Mo's!! So, after my next marathon, I'm heading to Mo's for a Foggybottom. Forget the medals, it's all about the Foggybottom for "refueling" now!
Click here to go to their Web site.
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