Add another attraction to the growing list of posts on Griffith Park. This time it is Travel Town.
I was visiting my friends at A Runner's Circle for new running shoes. (LA Marathon in March, here I come!) Driving through the Park, I started thinking about all the great blogging experiences I've had in those 4,210 acres: the Observatory, the Old and New Zoos, the Merry-Go-Round, the DWP Holiday Lights and the Autry Museum. Travel Town was a turnaround point when running the hill with my training group. Who knew it was such a fun place?!
I always wanted to ride a big train like these at Travel Town. I even have a little black leather suitcase that I thought would be perfect for the train. The closest I got was the Amtrak between Philly and NYC back when I lived on the other coast. Yes, I could still ride a train, but the romance attached to it is long gone, as it is with all travel modes.
Anyway, scattered about the grounds are various train engines and box cars from the long-gone era. You can walk into a few, but most are closed off. It was cool to hear seniors reminiscing about trips, while seeing the young'uns oogling the trolleys and old fire equipment. Although Travel Town is mostly trains, there are some other vehicles displayed in the Exhibit Hall, like delivery trucks and circus wagons. Cool stuff!
What else have I missed in Griffith Park?! Do share!
Click here to go to Travel Town's Web site.