I'm all for fancy-schmancy burgers with elaborate combinations of toppings, but sometimes I just want a regular burger. The Big Boy delivers every time.
In my rural Indiana youth, there wasn't much to do on the weekends. One place to gather was the Frisch's Big Boy, where everyone drove through the parking lot, made the loop up to the White Castle and came back through Frisch's. Yes, that is what we did all night on most Fridays and Saturdays. If you were lucky enough to get a parking spot at Frisch's, you had to order food. A car hop brought your food to the car so you you could eat while keeping an eye out for others "cruising" through. The Original Big Boy with fries was a standard on many of those nights.
Flash forward lots and lots of years and the reopened Pasadena location of Bob's Big Boy. Same yummy burger, fries and root beer I remember from those formative years, served on a plate and without the exhaust fumes!
When I'm looking for that flashback weekend experience, I head over to the Burbank Bob's Big Boy. On Friday nights, their lot is filled with classic cars; car hop service is available on Saturday and Sunday nights.
Two great options to have the Original!
Click here for Bob's Big Boy Pasadena.
Click here for Bob's Big Boy Burbank.