LA's best running store A Runner's Circle (hey, I live in South Pasadena and there are two stores within five miles, yet I drive to Silver Lake for ARC!) posted that they were participating in Zombiethon, a fundraiser for brain cancer research, on Halloween afternoon. Zombies contributing to brain cancer research on the scariest and/or cheesiest of all days? How cool was that!
Participants paid $10 to register, and the idea was everyone in Zombie attire did a lap around the Silver Lake Reservoir. Along the route were devilish signs like "We ❤ Brains" and "Caution Zombies Ahead" for inspiration. You didn't have Zombie make-up skills? No problem. For a $5 donation, professional make-up artists made you Zombielicious on the spot. Some of my faves: the Zombie bride, the Zombie family and the Zombie runner with the shredded track suit. Good times were had by all, and it seems like a nice collection of funds were raised for the cause. George Romero would be proud!